CO₂ incubators, ICO series

Supplier: MEMMERT
ICO50 ICO150
CO₂ incubators, ICO series
Incubators CO₂ Incubators
The ICO series of CO₂ incubators has seamlessly welded, corrosion-resistant stainless steel chambers with rounded edges and no further installations, ensuring easy and thorough cleaning. Models have TwinDISPLAY with a USB port for uploading programs, reading out logs or protecting appliances via the user ID function, and an Ethernet interface as well as a data logger with a 10 year storage capacity. All parameters can be set directly in the ControlCOCKPIT or the AtmoCONTROL software, which uses drag and drop symbols to input values. Battery-buffered ControlCOCKPIT (optional): OperatingMore Product Information
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