You Searched For: Conductivity Sensors

Conductivity sensors are becoming increasingly important for the determination of impurities in water or the concentration measurement of dissolved chemicals. Different models meet a variety of specific functions. Many of these sensors are intended for low-conductivity applications typically found in the semi-conductor, power, water, and pharmaceutical industries, providing accurate measurements even under extreme conditions in a conveniently compact instrument. Designs facilitate shielding during immersion measurements in various aqueous and non-aqueous media.

Conductivity sensors are becoming increasingly important for the determination of impurities in water or the concentration measurement of dissolved chemicals. Different models meet a variety of specific functions. Many of these sensors are intended for low-conductivity applications typically found in the semi-conductor, power, water, and pharmaceutical industries, providing accurate measurements even under extreme conditions in a conveniently compact instrument. Designs facilitate shielding during immersion measurements in various aqueous and non-aqueous media.

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Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Electrode, Conductivity, VWR®

Catalog Number: (VWRI663-0147)
Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Electrode, Conductivity, VWR® pHenomenal®, pHenomenal® CO11, 10 µS/cm - 20 mS/cm, 0...+80 °C, Epoxy, Ø×L: 15,3×120 mm, 0,84 cm<sup>-1</sup>, 8-pin, 1,5 m cable
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (VWRI663-0356)
Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: This IDP (Intelligent Digital Probe) conductivity/temperature cell can be used with the pHenomenal® MD 8000 H and MD 8000 L multi-parameter meters.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Supplier: Thermo Orion
Description: These durable conductivity cells provide high performance conductivity measurements.

Supplier: Thermo Orion
Description: These durable and extremely accurate conductivity cells can be used under a wide range of conditions. Intended for field or laboratory use.

Supplier: Thermo Orion
Description: These versatile conductivity cells are intended for laboratory and field use.

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