You Searched For: Light Meters
88 results were found
Velocity Conversion
Velocity Conversion Convert units of Velocity instantly. Choose from 32 different units including meter/second meter/hour meter/minute kilometer/hour kilometer/minute kilometer/second centimeter/hour centimeter/minute ... From: To: meter/second [m...
Common unit converters
Common unit converters Unit conversion is the process of converting a quantity expressed in one unit to another. This is done with conversion factors—multipliers that express the relationship between the original unit and the desired unit. For exa...
Distance and Length Conversion
Distance and Length Conversion Convert units of Length or Distance instantly. Choose from 92 different units including meter kilometer decimeter centimeter millimeter micron league mile fathom yard foot inch... From: To: meter [m]exameter [Em]peta...
Flowmeter Selection Guide: Types For Application
Flowmeters: What Type Will Work Best for Your Application? What Flowmeter Will Work Best for Your Application? From single-use to magnetic to variable-area to Coriolis the options in flowmeters are plentiful. Yet there are distinct differences in ...
Physical measurement
Physical measurement Avantor Physical Measurement Compounds and the materials in them can be identified by measuring their physical structure refractive index melting point or other characteristics. Avantor offers a complete line of measurement pr...
Dew-point and humidity meters
Dew-point and humidity meters For certain specific applications in the pharmaceutical industry the calibration must be carried out every 3 months as measuring devices are subject to the validation process and even the smallest fluctuations can hav...
Illumination Conversion
Illumination Conversion Convert units of Illumination instantly. Choose from 12 different units including lux meter-candle centimeter-candle foot-candle flame phot nox candela steradian/square meter lumen/square meter ... From: To: lux [lx]meter-c...
Calibration - Scope
Calibration - Scope Our compliance & metrology services offer a broad range of calibration services for laboratory and measuring equipment: The current scope is: Balances Thermometers Temperature recorders Refrigerators Freezers (CO2)Incubators Pi...
Flowmeter FAQs
Flowmeter FAQs Single-Use Flowmeter How do the Masterflex® flowmeters work? Which single-use sensor type makes the most sense for my application? What accuracy level can I expect to achieve with each sensor type? Can these sensors be used with opa...
Torque Conversion
Torque Conversion Convert units of Torque instantly. Choose from 17 different units including newton meter newton centimeter newton millimeter kilonewton meter dyne meter dyne centimeter dyne millimeter ... From: To: newton meter [N*m]newton centi...
The Latest Ultrasonic Flowmeter Technology
The Latest Ultrasonic Flowmeter Technology The Latest Technologies for Your Application In the last decade ultrasonic flow meters have grown in popularity in laboratory and process areas as a cost effective non invasive alternative for measuring t...
Viscosity - Dynamic Conversion
Viscosity - Dynamic Conversion Convert units of Viscosity-Dynamic instantly. Choose from 29 different units including pascal second kilogram-force second/square meter newton second/square meter millinewton second/square meter ... From: To: pascal ...
Concentration - Molar Conversion
Concentration - Molar Conversion Convert units of Concentration-Molar instantly. Choose from 12 different units including mol/cubic meter mol/liter mol/cubic centimeter mol/cubic millimeter kilomol/cubic meter kilomol/liter ... From: To: mol/cubic...
OHAUS Starter 3100 PH Bench
OHAUS Starter 3100 PH Bench Smart Bench Meters for all your Laboratory Applications Starter 3100 package is reliable for pH and ORP meansurements. After more than a century of perfecting the art of measurement through durable weighing products, OH...
Luminance Conversion
Luminance Conversion Convert units of Luminance instantly. Choose from 19 different units including candela/square meter candela/square centimeter candela/square foot candela/square inch kilocandela/square meter stilb ... From: To: candela/square ...
Electrochemistry Calibration
Electrochemistry Calibration Brand-independant calibration service for pH-meters & conductivity meters We provide a traceable calibration service for all brands and models of pH-meters and conductivity meters . These meters are calibrated by using...
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