PEEKsil™ tubing, Upchurch Scientific®

32510 32515 32520 3255 32550 310010 310015 310020 310050 315010 315015 315020 31505 315050 35010 35015 35020 3505 35050 610010 610015 610020 37510 37515 37520 3755 37550 61005 610050 615010 615015 615020 63005 630050 61505 615050 620010 620015 620020 62005 620050 62510 62515 62520 6255 62550 630010 630015 630020 65010 65015 65020 6505 65050 67510 67515 67520 6755 67550 TPS-650100 TPS-630030-1 TPS-32530 TPS-3100165
UPCH32510EA 275 SGD
UPCH32510 UPCH32515 UPCH32520 UPCH3255 UPCH32550 UPCH310010 UPCH310015 UPCH310020 UPCH310050 UPCH315010 UPCH315015 UPCH315020 UPCH31505 UPCH315050 UPCH35010 UPCH35015 UPCH35020 UPCH3505 UPCH35050 UPCH610010 UPCH610015 UPCH610020 UPCH37510 UPCH37515 UPCH37520 UPCH3755 UPCH37550 UPCH61005 UPCH610050 UPCH615010 UPCH615015 UPCH615020 UPCH63005 UPCH630050 UPCH61505 UPCH615050 UPCH620010 UPCH620015 UPCH620020 UPCH62005 UPCH620050 UPCH62510 UPCH62515 UPCH62520 UPCH6255 UPCH62550 UPCH630010 UPCH630015 UPCH630020 UPCH65010 UPCH65015 UPCH65020 UPCH6505 UPCH65050 UPCH67510 UPCH67515 UPCH67520 UPCH6755 UPCH67550 UPCHTPS-650100 UPCHTPS-630030-1 UPCHTPS-32530 UPCHTPS-3100165
PEEKsil™ tubing, Upchurch Scientific®
Tubing Chromatography Tubing
PEEKsil capillary.

PEEKsil™ tubing is mechanically strong and has ideal characteristics for sealing with polymer fittings. It is comprised of high quality fused silica sheathed by PEEK tubing giving it excellent chemical compatibility. We hold it to very tight manufacturing tolerances delivering reliability. It can be an excellent replacement for stainless steel, PEEK, or standard fused silica.
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