VWR® pHenomenal® MU 6100 H Multi-Parameter Meter (pH/Conductivity/DO), Handheld

Supplier: VWR Collection
VWRI665-0311EA 2750 SGD
VWRI665-0311 VWRI665-0312
VWR® pHenomenal® MU 6100 H Multi-Parameter Meter (pH/Conductivity/DO), Handheld
Electrochemistry Meters pH and Multi-Parameter Meters
This user friendly portable instrument with robust IP 67 rated housing provides high resolution and accuracy for precise measurements of pH, mV, conductivity and oxygen in field applications (can only be used to measure any two of these at the same time). Complete with waterproof USB output for connection to a computer. GLP compliant.

  • Large graphic LCD with continuous LED backlight showing the measured parameter and temperature value simultaneously
  • Data logging function selectable between 1 min and 1 h
  • 5000 data set memory capacity with automatic storing;
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Model MU 6100 H
pH range −2,000...+20,000
pH resolution 0,1/0,01/0,001 (selectable)
pH accuracy ±0,005 + 1 digit
pH calibration Up to 5 points
Automatic buffer recognition TITRINORM® buffers at 25 °C: 4,00/6,98/9,94
NIST/DIN 19266 (1,68/4,00/6,86/9,18/12,54)
Technical buffers at 25 °C: 4,00/7,00/10,00
mV range ±1200,0/±2500
mV resolution 0,1/1
mV accuracy ±0,3/±1
Conductivity range 0,001 µS/cm - 1000 mS/cm
Conductivity resolution 0,1 µS/cm
Conductivity accuracy ±0,5% of measured value
Conductivity cell constant Depending on probe
Conductivity calibration 1 point
Resistivity range 1 Ω/cm - 999 MΩ/cm
Resistivity accuracy ±0,5% of measured value
Salinity range 0,00 - 70 ppt
TDS range 0 - 1999 mg/L / 2,00 - 19,99 g/L / 20,0 - 199,9 g/L
TDS resolution 1 mg/L / 0,01 g/L / 0,1 g/L
DO concentration 0,00 - 20,00 / 0,0 - 90,0 mg/L
DO concentration resolution 0,1%; 0,01 mg/L
DO saturation 0,0 - 200,0; 0 - 600 %
DO accuracy ±0,5% of value (between 5...30 °C)
DO calibration Water saturated air
Temperature range Auto: −5,0...+105,0 °C; manual: −25...+130 °C
Temperature resolution 0,1 °C
Temperature accuracy ±0,2 °C
Temperature compensation Automatic/manual
Display Graphic LCD with LED backlight
Power supply 4× AA batteries
Compliance IP 67/GLP
Data logging - log function Selectable between 1 s and 1 h (selectable intervals: 1 s, 5 s, 10 s, 30 s, 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min)
Data logging capacity 5000 data sets
Connections BNC for pH/banana for temperature/8-pin for conductivity and DO
Outputs Waterproof USB connection (slave, bidirectional)

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