VWR® symphony, Centrifuges, Benchtop

Supplier: VWR Collection
VWRI521-1720EA 11090 SGD
VWRI521-1720 VWRI521-1722 VWRI521-1723 VWRI521-1724 VWRI521-1725
VWR® symphony, Centrifuges, Benchtop
Centrifuges Benchtop Centrifuges
This series includes both the ambient 4417 and refrigerated 4417R centrifuges. Various fixed angle and swing-out rotors are available to process a variety of different tube types from 0,2 to 100 ml.

  • Powerful, brushless motors quickly accelerate rotors to the preset speed
  • Braking is dynamically controlled to bring the rotors to a soft stop without disrupting fragile samples
  • Operation of the centrifuge may be timed, continuous or momentary
  • Rotor recognition system provides safety and convenience when different rotors are used
  • Each rotor is recognised at the beginning of a run and automatically limited to its rated maximum speed

These units are well suited for all standard blood collection, conical and microcentrifuge tubes, as well as standard and deep-well microplates. High speed and g-force make the 4417 series ideal for applications ranging from clinical to cell culture and molecular biology.

Delivery information: Clinical bundles include a centrifuge (either 4417 or 4417R), 4×100 ml swing out rotor and carriers for 5/7 and 10 ml round bottom tubes.
Cell culture bundles include a centrifuge (4417R), 4×100 ml swing out rotor and carriers for 15 and 50 ml conical tubes.
Plate bundles include a centrifuge (either 4417 or 4417R) and a 2×3 microplate rotor.
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