You Searched For: Poly(styrene-divinylbenzene)

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Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Poly(styrene-divinylbenzene), cross-linked with 1% DVB 100-200 mesh
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Poly(styrene-divinylbenzene), cross-linked with 1% DVB 200-400 mesh
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Poly(styrene-divinylbenzene), cross-linked with 2% DVB 200-400 mesh
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Poly(styrene-divinylbenzene), aminomethylated, cross-linked with 1% DVB 100-200 mesh
Catalog Number: (ALFAL19471.06)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Supplier Article Number:: L19471.06
Description: Aminomethylated polystyrene; Scaffold for building Boc- and Fmoc-amino acid libraries. Scavenger resin for carboxylic acids, isocyanates and sulfonyl halides. For alkyl bromides and mesylates.
UOM: 1 * 5 g

Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: 4-Methylbenzhydrylamine hydrochloride, polymer supported 0,5 - 1,0 mmol/g on poly(styrene-divinylbenzene), cross-linked with 1% DVB 100-200 mesh
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Benzyl mercaptan, polymer supported 2,0-4,0 mmol/g on poly(styrene-divinylbenzene), cross-linked with 1% DVB 100-200 mesh
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Trityl chloride resin 0,5 - 2,5 mmol/g on poly(styrene-divinylbenzene), cross-linked with 1% DVB 100-200 mesh
Catalog Number: (ALFA46796.A1)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Supplier Article Number:: 46796.A1
Description: Diaion® SA10A(Cl) is an ion exchange resin, cross-linked, strongly basic gel type I, 1.3 meq/ml on PS-DVB.
UOM: 1 * 1 kg

Description: A fast, versatile HPLC column packing material. These columns rapidly and easily separate closely related alcohols and organic acids without column heating. The sulfonated poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) support separates samples by a mixed mode mechanism. A wide range of samples can be analysed with these columns because the selectivity of the column can be altered by changing the pH of the buffer or adding an organic modifier (methanol, acetonitrile) to the buffer. The stability to organic solvents makes it possible to analyse samples that have been too highly retained on conventional ion exclusion supports.

Catalog Number: (BAKR7519-02)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Solid phase extraction, as a sample preparation technique, often requires stationary phases stable in the whole pH range. Styrene-divinylbenzene (SDB) copolymer sorbent can improve the quality of sample preparation.
UOM: 1 * 50 items

Catalog Number: (ALFA43711.ME)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Supplier Article Number:: 43711.ME
Description: Poly(styrene), dry, latex microsphere 1 micron
UOM: 1 * 500 mg

Catalog Number: (ALFA42751.AA)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Supplier Article Number:: 42751.AA
Description: Poly(styrene) 2,5% (w/w) dispersion in water, latex microsphere 90.0 micron
UOM: 1 * 5 mL

Catalog Number: (ALFA42742.4Y)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Supplier Article Number:: 42742.4Y
Description: Poly(styrene) 2,5% (w/w) dispersion in water, latex microsphere 0.75 micron
UOM: 1 * 15 mL

Catalog Number: (ALFA42714.4Y)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Supplier Article Number:: 42714.4Y
Description: Poly(styrene) 2,5% (w/w) dispersion in water, latex microsphere 0.50 micron
UOM: 1 * 15 mL

Catalog Number: (ALFA42715.AA)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Supplier Article Number:: 42715.AA
Description: Poly(styrene) 2,5% (w/w) dispersion in water, latex microsphere 4.5 micron
UOM: 1 * 5 mL

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