Sterile Solutions for Surfaces in Cleanrooms
The solutions are filtered to 0.2 µm before filling and packaging in cleanroom conditions, and are either aseptically filled or terminally irradiated.
Neutral detergent
- High-foaming liquid detergent, neutral pH
- 0.2 µm filtered, gamma irradiated, double bagged
- Supplied with certificates of analysis, irradiation and sterility
- Supplied as: 100 x 30 ml or 50 x 50 ml concentrate
Ethanol and IPA
- Broad spectrum disinfectant
- Passes CEN 1276, CEN 1650 and CEN 13697
- 0.2 µm filtered, gamma irradiated (900 ml) or aseptically filled (5 litres), double bagged
- Supplied with certificates of analysis, sterility and irradiation, where applicable
- Denatured Ethanol: 70% ethanol, 30% water (WFI) denatured with IPA
- Isopropyl alcohol: 70% isopropyl alcohol, 30% water (WFI)
- Also available as an aerosol with purified water
- Available as: 6 x 900 ml spray bottle; 6 x 1 l spray bottle; 4 x 5 l or 2 x 5 l canister; 12 x 300 ml aerosol
Sporicidal disinfectants
- Two-part chlorine dioxide generating system
- Passes CEN 1276, CEN 1650, CEN 13697 and CEN 13704
- 0.2 µm filtered, aseptically filled and double bagged
- Supplied with certificates of analysis and sterility
- Based on chlorine dioxide
- Compatible in rotation with amphoteric disinfectants
- Effective against spores within only 5-8 minutes!
- Available as: 25 x (2 x 100 ml) concentrate;
4 x (4.9 l + 100 ml) ready-to-use
Amphoteric disinfectants
- Highly effective surface active disinfectant
- Passes CEN 1276, CEN 1650 and CEN 13697
- 0.2 µm filtered, aseptically filled and double bagged
- Supplied with certificates of analysis and sterility
- Validated HPLC and Titration test methods available
- Compatible in rotation with a sporicidal or QAC disinfectant
- Available as: 50 x 50 ml or 50 x 100 ml concentrate;
6 x 900 ml spray bottle; 4 x 5 l or 2 x 5 l canister
Quaternary Ammonium disinfectants
- Highly effective surface active disinfectant based on Quats
- 0.2 µm filtered, aseptically filled and double bagged
- Supplied with certificates of analysis and sterility
- Highly compatible with materials
- For a broad range of applications
- Unit: 50 x 25 ml or 50 x 100 ml concentrate;
6 x 900 ml spray bottle; 4 x 5 l or 2 x 5 l canister