You Searched For: Spectrosol
3 results were found
NMR Spectroscopy (SN
NMR Spectroscopy (SNI or IR) & HPLC As with traditional spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy can be used to used to test for protein markers (e.g. for cross-species contamination) and chemical adulteration (e.g. growth hormones, steroids, etc.). HPLC de...
~~Chemicals and Reagents~~
Chemicals and Reagents VWR Chemicals are optimised by grade for your application. 98% are available from stock and each has a guaranteed exact specification. To request your copy of the VWR Chemicals catalogue click below. MSDS Certificates Solven...
VWR Chemicals
VWR Chemicals VWR Chemicals are our own wide range of laboratory and industrial chemicals with guaranteed high quality detailed specifications safe packaging and excellent service offering great value for money. Everything from basic technical rea...