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You Searched For: Water+Determination+(by+Karl+Fischer+method)+Standards

448  results were found

Liquid Pumps—Viscosity Handling Characteristics

Liquid Pumps—Viscosity Handling Characteristics Pumping viscous liquids can present some difficult problems. When selecting a pump fluid viscosity must always be considered. The effects of viscosity can be better understood by looking at the behav...

Pumping Viscous Fluids

Pumping Viscous Fluids Viscous fluids flow much slower than water-like fluids for several reasons including: The fluid is more resistant to flow than water. There are greater frictional forces between the wall of the tubing and a viscous fluid tha...

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data

Masterflex B/T® Tubing Life Technical Data B/T Performance Data for NORPRENE® Food Silicone and C-FLEX® Tubing Formulations Like the L/S® and I/P® tubing sizes B/T sizes B/T® 86 B/T® 88 B/T® 90 and B/T® 92 tubing offer all the characteristics of t...

Sterile Solutions for Surfaces in Cleanrooms

Sterile Solutions for Surfaces in Cleanrooms The solutions are filtered to 0.2 µm before filling and packaging in cleanroom conditions and are either aseptically filled or terminally irradiated. Neutral detergent High-foaming liquid detergent neut...

~~Inventory Manager Standard~~

Inventory Manager Standard Make Inventory Management work for you A fully integrated stockroom which allows you to order track and replenish your stock efficiently Join the growing number of scientists moving from cluttered spreadsheets to online ...

Biopharma Products & Bioprocessing Solutions

Biopharma Products & Bioprocessing Solutions FROM MOLECULE DISCOVERY TO COMPLETE FILL AND FINISH Avantor®'s bioprocessing solutions focus on what matters most for your operations. We provide a unique combination of industry expertise with the broa...

How to load tubing into Masterflex L/S standard pump heads

How to load tubing into Masterflex L/S standard pump heads To view this video please enable JavaScript and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Video Summary Video demonstrating how to propely load Silicone and Tygon Lab t...

Clinical Laboratory Space Optimization

Clinical Laboratory Space Optimization Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge A flourishing clinical laboratory was experiencing a tremendous growth in production tripling in size and increasing the...

ICP/MS Standards

ICP/MS Standards VWR offer an extensive range of standards for this demanding technique from several sources. Product selection BDH Prolabo ICP/MS Standards ARISTAR offers a full range of 1000 and 10000 ppm ICP-MS standards in 100 and 500 ml packs...

Cell culture

Cell culture Both autologous and allogeneic cells are obtained from donors utilizing methods including but not limited to apheresis aspirates and surgical biopsies. The donor cells of interest are processed to remove undesirable contaminants and p...

Production Manager

Production Manager Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Improve the Efficiency Compliance and Safety of Your Production Managing production is not just a facet of science – it is a science in itself. Beyond...

Quantus, underwear standard

Quantus underwear standard Features sweatshirt: Lap seams for tight and secure seam-enclosure Antistatic Long sleeves Also available as T-shirt with short sleeves Knitted cuffs Round neck knitted Extra material flap for bar code inside Antimicrobi...

IKA Instruments Deal

IKA Instruments Deal Stirrers Shaker Disperser and Viscometer on Sale. 25% OFF! While stocks last. *T&Cs Apply. Electronic overhead stirrers EUROSTAR 60 digital EUROSTAR 60 control EUROSTAR 100 digital and EUROSTAR 100 control Powerful laboratory ...

~~European standards for disposable chemical protective clothing~~

European standards for disposable chemical protective clothing CE marking of protective clothing Protective clothing belongs to the group of personal protective equipment (PPE) and therefore has to comply with the European Directive 89/686/EC whic...


Cytology Cytology has become an established aid for the diagnosis of malignancy in various organs particularly those of the respiratory urinary and female genital tracts. For slides coverslips microscopes etc. see our microscopy section. Product s...

Laboratory Water Purification Systems

Laboratory Water Purification Systems Water purification in a laboratory is vital. The use of high purity water in an analytical laboratory can substantially reduce the time spent on troubleshooting issues due to contamination of the sample or ins...
65 - 80 of 448