You Searched For: Tungsten+(VI)+chloride

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Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Tungsten(VI) chloride ≥99%
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Tungsten(VI) ethoxide
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Tungsten trioxide ≥99.8% (metals basis)
Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Accessory for UV/Visible spectrophotometers, Tungsten lamp, USHIO JC12V-20W/G4 C6, VWR®

Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Tungsten trioxide ≥99.998% (metals basis excluding Mo), Puratronic® (max. 0.01% Mo)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Ammonium tetrathiotungstate
Catalog Number: (VWRI634-1231)
Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: The P9 UV/Visible double-beam spectrophotometer is an easy to use instrument with advanced performance.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (VWRI634-1229)
Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: The P4 UV/Visible spectrophotometer is an easy to use instrument with advanced performance.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (VWRI634-1230)
Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: The P6 UV/Visible single beam spectrophotometer is an easy to use instrument with advanced performance.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (VWRI634-1228)
Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: The PV4 visible spectrophotometer is an easy to use instrument with advanced performance.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (VWRI634-6042)
Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: UV/Visible spectrophotometer for advanced measurements in quality control, biochemical and pharmaceutical applications.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Supplier: VWR Chemicals
Description: This product is not suitable for the Colin reaction.
Catalog Number: (VWRI634-6000)
Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: The V-1200 is designed for routine, daily, quality control requirements, in-process control and teaching laboratories.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: UV/Visible spectrophotometer with double-beam optical system, designed for applications including general research, pharmaceutical, biochemical and clinical laboratory use, new material development and quality control.

Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Calcium wolframate ≥99.78% (metals basis)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Sodium tungstate dihydrate 99.0-101.0% ACS
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